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Mike Breggar - TMF Lecture Live (01-06-2024) The KNOW BRAINER LECTURE

Mike Breggar - TMF Lecture Live (01-06-2024) The K
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Mike Breggar - TMF Lecture Live (01-06-2024) The KNOW BRAINER LECTURE
  • You Are Better at This Than I Am – A super opener where an audience member correctly divines a card randomly and fairly selected by many audience members.
  • PSI-Roller – Your audience helper rolls “gaming” dice and places them on top of four face-down cards. When the cards are turned face-up, their values exactly match the random dice rolls.
  • At the Drop of a PIN – A stack of 300 cards is introduced. These cards are multi-colored and contain 3 and 4-digit numbers. All these numbers are different and have themselves been randomly generated. Three volunteers randomly select three number tags. They scramble the numbers on the tags to create three totally different numbers. Amazingly, the performer has predicted the exact total of these numbers before any of the random numbers have been called!
  • The James Incarnation – Based on a great Stewart James trick. From a shuffled and cut deck, a card is randomly selected and placed sight unseen the card box. Another card is selected through a called-out number. Incredibly, written on the second card is a message that has predicted the first card selected (in the box). But, when the boxed card is removed, there is a message on that one predicting the second selected card!
  • Pair-a-Gon – While this is an incredible mental effect, you will learn the real secrets of “clocking the deck.” Finally, you will be able to understand and use the concepts behind Harry Lorayne’s “Epitome Location”.
  • Emotional Sensitivity Perception Project – We will check out Michael’s take on ESP decks and learn a cool trick or two along the way.
  • Dough Boy — Almost an entire mentalism act by itself! You’ll do various predictions using paper money lent by audience members, culminating with the telepathic reveal of a serial number from a randomly selected borrowed bill. And it’s all funny!
  • The No Tears Tear — We will workshop through Michael’s workhorse method of acquiring secret information from spectators. The Center Tear has been around for over 100 years, but when done properly and well, it’s unbeatable. The No Tears Tear is Mike’s method of executing the Tear and getting the peek in real time. Amazingly, once you know how to execute it, you will find it incredibly easy and highly deceptive.
  • A Farrago of Forces — In many cases, the engine that runs great mental effects relies on forced information. We will discuss a few new ideas here that are very effective and utilitarian.
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