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Kenton's popular Tick Tarot system just got kicked up to the next level...

In PART TWO of Tick Tarot you will HEAR how the readings actually sound with over 45 minutes of live readings in real life settings. Hear how the Tick Tarot process works in real life, and how easy it is to expand on these readings based upon the main key words and participant's interactions.

THEN...Learn an entirely different reading using scent or incense in this Tick Tarot Part 2 addition. You are supplied with Kenton's very direct and easy to perform 5 Scents Reading to learn in both PDF and audio.

You'll get the handout sheet to give to clients that allows you to read the 5 Scents meanings along with participants so no memory is involved. All the secret work is in the writing and it is already done for you! This makes a terrific giveaway and a very novel type of reading.

HEAR TOO how the Scent readings works for three people in a live setting in a special audio segment that is almost 15 minutes long. You'll love hearing how easy this 5 Scents reading is and how people interact with this unusual and highly memorable readings experience. As a quick reading, a light introduction to readings in a party situation, or as a desert to a full reading, the 5 Scents reading will be a pleasurable and memorable event for all. Hear for yourself how well this works!

PLUS...Kenton's Audio Tarot Reprogramming Guide for your clients is supplied. You'll get a very special audio program to help clients reprogram themselves with their Reprogramming Card from the first Tick Tarot in this set too. This audio program is one you can give away to clients. The Reprogramming audio helps guide a client to look at their Tarot Reprogramming card for an appropriate amount of time as a guided meditation. Loads of Wonder Words, special sounds and more are incorporated into this seven minute audio giveaway that clients may use daily (and think of you daily of course) as they reprogram themselves with the Tarot card you suggest as part of their reading.

Kenton uses the Tarot audio giveaway and also oil or incense in the 5 Scents reading as a way to stay in the minds of the participants long after they have left the reading.

All in all you get over an hour of live audio readings examples, the unique 5 Scents Reading handout and the Tarot Reprograming Audio Guide complete as part of this unique TICK TAROT PART TWO. Tarot Readings not only just got far easier, they have become even more memorable too with Tick Tarot Part Two.

This second part is like being right with Kenton as he performs readings. You will learn much by listening to Kenton perform Tick Tarot as well as by having these new tools and giveaways.

Also Included: ADDITIONAL TAROT ASSOCIATIONS relating Tarot cards to states of consciousness, the five senses, types of intelligence in an esoteric sense, and more. This extra bonus knowledge will take you to ever higher and deeper levels of insights and readings, whether for yourself or others.

Plus, learn how Kenton uses a simple strategy with a three pile reading that allows people to make choices which lessen skepticism and allows them to feel comfortable about the type of reading they are going to experience!

You will learn by absorbing Kenton's atmosphere as you listen to his readings performed live. Then learn the additional attributions, associations, and methods, as well as the Five Scents reading. Finally listen to the Audio Tarot Reprogramming guide as you look at your favorite card and experience it for yourself! You'll soon hear why this is a favorite gift of clients from Tarot readings.

You get the Tick Tarot Part 2 instructions, FIVE audio programs as MP3 files, the bonus Tarot Additions PDF for new associations and meanings, and the Five Scents handout sheet as a PDF to add your own contact information to use as giveaways. You also have full rights to give the audio Tarot Reprogram MP3 away to any and all of your clients when you purchase Tick Tarot Part 2 here now.

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