Pocket Magic Show Video and eBook Bundle
The Beginner Thumb Tip 101 Magic Learning Series
The definitive beginner thumb tip magic course
7 Downloadable Videos 1 hour and 48 minutes of pure gold
3 Amazing eBooks with 191 pages and links to 13 additional private videos
You will be able to learn over 140 tricks just with a thumb tip. This is the ultimate EDC Every Day Carry.
Made or done without previous preparation: An impromptu magic trick thrilled the unsuspecting dinner guests.
Impromptu thumb tip magic effects are by far some of the most popular and satisfying forms of magic. Impromptu effects appear to be spur of the moment and not prepared in advance.
Being able to perform mini miracles at a moment’s notice will cement your unquestionable reputation as an authentic magician. There are perhaps 150-200 core thumb tip effects that work well while performing for a small group. If you will learn to handle a thumb tip properly, you can perform these miracles right under the spectator’s nose and they will not see a thumb tip. In fact, the thumb tip is on the thumb a very small percentage of the time.
This Pocket Magic Show course will discuss my absolute favorites. Imagine a Pocket Magic Show with 100 or 150 amazing tricks/effects possible right from your pocket.
You will sky rocket your Tipistry. (Tipistry means breathtaking thumb tip handling ability, competence, confidence, proficiency, or mastery.)
You will learn:
Amazing Vanishes and Productions.
Amazing Transpositions.
Amazing Transformations.
Amazing Restorations.
You will learn:
The silk vanish
The salt vanish
The dollar bill change
The torn and restored napkin
The cut and restored rope, rubber band or headphones
The dime, penny and half dollar vanish
The lit cigarette vanish
The torn, poured, and restored sweetener packet
The opened, seek a piece and restored candy packet
The linking chain
The nuts and bolts
The bank night ez lottery
The change purse switcheroo billet switch
And many more….
If you can master the methods in this course, you will be able to perform over 150 thumb tip tricks or effects. You will have a true Pocket Magic Show.
What people are saying…
Hal, this is by far the most comprehensive beginner training for the thumb tip ever! Thank you. Darrel Davenport Iowa, USA
Very well done. I have watched the videos over and over. This is awesome. Kendall Johnson, California USA
If you are new to magic, this course is for you. One little gimmick allows you to do a hundred tricks. FIVE STARS. Emory Hanson New Jersey USA