Scott's finger ring and string routine flows along in a harmonious blend of magic! This is strong, commercial, practical magic with ordinary items. Pure sleight of hand accomplishes the powerful magic, but it's nothing difficult to learn. This is a routine you'll be proud to include in your performing arsenal. A great routine for all skill levels and virtually any close-up performing situation!
A string is held at both ends and the loop is dipped into a purse clasp (coin purse with no bag). When the string is lifted out of the clasp, a ring is dangling from the loop! The ring penetrates off the string only to be found on your finger. More magical antics ensue, the routine building as each phase gets progressively stronger. Finally, the ring vanishes back into the purse clasp from whence it came. You are clean and reset to perform the routine again if necessary.
Great Scott's Symphony for Ring & String is an instant download eBook of 26 pages. The routine is fully explained in Scott's well-known thorough, clear style, and the written instructions are accompanied by 38 large photos to make learning a breeze.
Scott, your download "Symphony for Ring and String" is excellent. My personal favorite phase was when a empty loop from a string is dipped into a purse frame and a ring appears in the loop. The beauty part of Scott's routine is that you can take any phase and incorporate it into your own routine. The best part though: the instructions! They're very clear and easy to follow, and to help, every critical hand position is shown with photos. Scott, I am a very big fan of ring and string yours is a must! - Vinny Marini, The Godfather of Magic
"Symphony for Ring & String" is yet another example of a man that knows his magic. This manuscript is clear, well designed and absolutely walks you through every moment of the effect. Great Scott's work is some of the only work out there that doesn't necessarily need a dvd to be better illustrated. You can see he takes great pain in making things concise and comprehensible. Simply put, it all just makes good sense. I'll be working on this one and I recommend that you do as well. It really looks like a lot of fun, and if it's a lot of fun for me, it's going to be a blast for all those that I show it to! Just good magic through and through from Scott. His books should be on every magic shelf; cards, coins, closeup, whatever--he's done it and done it good. - Marion Boykin
One of the best parts of this download is that you can take it with your and practice anywhere -- not possible with DVDs. Scott's attention to detail and fine photos mean you can learn these moves, not just think about them. He offers a couple of moves I already knew but hadn't done because I didn't believe they would impress a spectator. Now I see that they will. Scott's material is always "real world" stuff. - Ken Muller