A modern seance, with a tie that is like lightning for speed, and yet is the most convincing of all ties. Each wrist is securely tied with a length of rope. Any number of knots may be used and knots can be sealed. The ends of the rope are made secure to the back of the chair. Feet are also tied to chair legs. All ties are thoroughly inspected and the committee is convinced that there is no slack in the ropes and that magician is really secure. The cabinet is placed around magi ready for the tests. For instance, a card is selected and shuffled back into the pack, the pack placed between the magician's teeth, the curtains closed and in less than one second opened again, and during this short space of time, the cards come sailing over the top of the cabinet with the exception of one card retained between magician's teeth, this card proves to be the one selected.
The routine includes a message on slate, knots appearing and disappearing in borrowed handkerchiefs, a watch escaping from a sealed bag and appearing in a most unexpected place, bells ringing, tambourines jingling, the animated walking stick and a comedy finish that was original with Percy Abbott and one that "Rocks them in their seats."
The whole act is easy to do, with no struggling to effect a release, no strenuous exertion on the part of the magi at any time. The most complete Spirit Act ever offered. Time of act - 15 or 20 minutes.
No cabinet, screens, or accessories included. These are all items easily obtainable.