Portal by Luke Oseland - Coin In Can
Science just photographed It’s first ever black hole. But they've yet to discover a Portal... until now.
** RECORD SCRATCH ** Let's agree to drop the cliche copy here...
At Ellusionist we believe in nurturing the younger generation of magic. Creator Luke Oseland even had his work experience here at the company. These untainted minds in our community are allowed to flourish and experiment with effects we thought were dead.
"I have a coin in can to show you" said Luke.
** audible huff ** "Okay, but there are a billion of these on the market." we exclaimed.
Luke performed PORTAL with us LIVE over Skype, empty hands, no sleeves, no slits in the can, signed coin.

• Visual? Check.
• Practical? Check.
• Easy to do? Check.
• Use anyone's can? You bet.
• Signed coin? Oh go on then.
• Did we just become best friends?.... YUP.
Luke has been on our radar for a hot minute. At age 14 he saved his Birthday, Christmas and allowance money to buy a 3D printer and started tinkering.
It's possible that some older, more established magicians will overlook this download, thinking they know best.
"What can he know? I've been doing magic for longer than he's been alive."
By investing in PORTAL, you'll be introduced to a fresh way of thinking. Taking items right in front of you and using them in a new way.
This method is so practical that we had to cut about 5 live performances from the first draft of the trailer to shorten it.
It does require a gimmick, but if you check your pockets… no the other one, you probably already have it on you.
Some magic suits social media, some is for stage, Portal suits the streets.
Download Portal IMMEDIATELY.