Magica Analytica By Larry Barnowsky
From the title of this book, one would expect magic effects based on analytical principles of mathematics, and you’d be partially correct. However,
no knowledge of mathematics is needed to learn and perform any of the routines taught in this book. Mathematicians study patterns and look for rules
that quantify and describe them. A set of 52 elements like a deck of cards can create fascinating patterns when they are mixed in a non-random way.
With the power to describe these patterns mathematically, we are able to predict future outcomes, which to our audience seems inexplicable and
undeniably the work of magic.
By applying the Chinese Remainder Theorem from number theory, you’ll be able to tell a spectator the number of cards he placed in each of his
pockets even though he has no idea of those numbers himself. Imagine a random drawing being used to find a selected card. This can be
accomplished every time by a hidden secret from topology. You’ll learn how to control the position of cards by using the power of permutations from
group theory, and easily force a number using simple algebraic concepts. Many effects will rely on well-known mathematical principles that magicians
are familiar with such as The Gilbreath Principle, The Parity Principle, and the Self-Cancellation Principle.
Not every effect in this book is mathematically based. Four of them, including the first chapter rely on basic sleights and moves. For a little variety,
I’ve even included a fabulous coin trick.
The full instructions for a previously released limited edition apparatus effect called “The Rings of Alexandria” is included in this book. For those who
wish to build this device, I provide some basic plans and directions on constructing their own.
So prepare yourself to learn some unique magic, empowered by mathematics, and designed to both bewilder and entertain your audience.
Full Color with 104 Spiral Bound pages which lie flat for easy study and printed on #80 weight glossy enamel paper
Over 150 Sharp Color photos and diagrams showing step-by step actions making every effect easy to learn
Limited First Edition with 150 numbered copies printed
Most effects are self-working or require basic skills
Scale indicates skill level needed
1. The Capture of the Jackson Mob
2. Misplacing the Aces

3. Cheating with Mathematics
4. Overhanded Deception
5. Evenhanded Deception
6. Awe-Sum
7. Rings of Alexandria
8. The Arch of Sunzi
9. All That Remains
10. Euler’s Force
11. Awe-Sum Force (Dürer’s Prediction)
12. Wire Transfer

13. Convoluted Revelation
14. The 27 Trick
15. The Utterly Easy Stop Trick
16. Duel of the Experts

17. Picasso’s Pick-a-Card Trick
18. Set Point
19. Match Point
From the title of this book, one would expect magic effects based on analytical principles of mathematics, and you’d be partially correct. However,
no knowledge of mathematics is needed to learn and perform any of the routines taught in this book. Mathematicians study patterns and look for rules
that quantify and describe them. A set of 52 elements like a deck of cards can create fascinating patterns when they are mixed in a non-random way.
With the power to describe these patterns mathematically, we are able to predict future outcomes, which to our audience seems inexplicable and
undeniably the work of magic.
By applying the Chinese Remainder Theorem from number theory, you’ll be able to tell a spectator the number of cards he placed in each of his
pockets even though he has no idea of those numbers himself. Imagine a random drawing being used to find a selected card. This can be
accomplished every time by a hidden secret from topology. You’ll learn how to control the position of cards by using the power of permutations from
group theory, and easily force a number using simple algebraic concepts. Many effects will rely on well-known mathematical principles that magicians
are familiar with such as The Gilbreath Principle, The Parity Principle, and the Self-Cancellation Principle.
Not every effect in this book is mathematically based. Four of them, including the first chapter rely on basic sleights and moves. For a little variety,
I’ve even included a fabulous coin trick.
The full instructions for a previously released limited edition apparatus effect called “The Rings of Alexandria” is included in this book. For those who
wish to build this device, I provide some basic plans and directions on constructing their own.
So prepare yourself to learn some unique magic, empowered by mathematics, and designed to both bewilder and entertain your audience.
Full Color with 104 Spiral Bound pages which lie flat for easy study and printed on #80 weight glossy enamel paper
Over 150 Sharp Color photos and diagrams showing step-by step actions making every effect easy to learn
Limited First Edition with 150 numbered copies printed
Most effects are self-working or require basic skills

1. The Capture of the Jackson Mob

2. Misplacing the Aces

3. Cheating with Mathematics

4. Overhanded Deception

5. Evenhanded Deception

6. Awe-Sum

7. Rings of Alexandria

8. The Arch of Sunzi

9. All That Remains

10. Euler’s Force

11. Awe-Sum Force (Dürer’s Prediction)

12. Wire Transfer

13. Convoluted Revelation

14. The 27 Trick

15. The Utterly Easy Stop Trick

16. Duel of the Experts

17. Picasso’s Pick-a-Card Trick

18. Set Point

19. Match Point