Here's a fantastic method for predicting virtually anything. The gimmick is simple and all you need to make it is two common items you might already have. The gimmick enables you to create feature effects that play huge.
The Washing Line: 8 items are hanging on a line - 7 are clean, and one needs washing again. The audience freely eliminates them one at a time until one remains - it's the one that has a large 'stain' on the back. Includes full routine. So easy to do, yet so clever. No force, no stooges - just a brilliant 'slap-your-forehead' method.
Predict-a-Star: Several DVDs are shown. A spectator has to simply pick the DVD which is the most meaningful in their life. They name their selected DVD - and it's the only one with a hand-drawn 'X' on the back. No force, 100% free choice. The simple gimmick does the trick. Sooo effective.
Plus: X Marks the Spot! A close-up card effect where a selection of cards is shown - and the spectator's free choice is the only one with an 'X' on the reverse. This is a different method from the Limitless method. It's easy and self-working.
Also included is Gambler's Dream: Another close-up card effect that is self-working. 10 standard playing cards are handed to the spectator who can inspect them. The spectator is asked to shuffle/mix the cards face down and deal into two packs of five cards. The spectator is given a free choice of which hand (pack) to play at Poker. Whichever hand the spectator chooses will be the losing hand. This can be repeated with a quick shuffle and dealing of the cards.
These are just a few of the great effects contained in Limitless. And the great news is, it's only $10. We should be arrested for charging so little!
1st edition 2022, PDF 18 pages.
word count: 11667 which is equivalent to 46 standard pages of text