The performer states that for thousands of years, devices have been invented and used to measure and keep track of time. The first time measuring obelisks and water clocks were introduced in Mesopotamia and Egypt as early as 2000 BC. Tonight, he continues, we're going to explore both time and its relation to man's ability to project images telepathically.
Removing a small packet of blank cards, the performer explains they will be used to focus on an hour and a timekeeping device that will be thought of by a member of the audience. A volunteer is randomly selected to assist in the demonstration. The participant then proceeds to freely think of any hour in the day. No force. Nothing is written down. No stooges. The participant's selected hour is known to no one but himself.
The performer instructs the participant to also select one of several timekeeping devices created over the centuries that are listed on a laminated card - a variety of devices from Candle Clocks to Atomic Clocks. Today, the performer explains, Coordinated Universal Time is based on atomic time. The most accurate measure of time ever devised by mankind. The participant mentally selects one of the listed devices. Now he has two thoughts in mind. Two images that the performer points out exist only in the participant's mind and nowhere else. The performer asks the participant to imagine that the time he freely thought of and the device he is thinking of are now combined into one mental image. The performer concentrates intently and jots something down on the back of the listed timekeeping devices, and hands it to the participant to hold, writing side down. The performer asks, "For the first time, loudly tell everyone what hour you are thinking of?" "One o'clock" the participant answers. And which timekeeping device is showing the hour of one o'clock in your mind", the performer asks? "An hourglass," the participant replies. The performer smiles and asks the participant to turn over the card he is holding and to loudly tell the audience what time and which device the performer wrote down. "One o'clock and Hourglass." the participant exclaims. Applause!