‘Inflated Ego’ is a strong opening stage effect that will help you to get more audience involvement during your show, build an atmosphere and get better reactions.

“It’s a lovely routine with excellent thinking. I love filling the stage with colour… that’s one of my favourite things to do in an act. Thought through beautifully”
Chris Cox

“This one is another solid gold winner. First class stuff!”
Ning Cai
Inflated Ego – The Effect
Six random people join the performer on stage and are given a different colour balloon to hold.
After shuffling and mixing, the audience vote on which balloons should be popped and all but one of the balloons is popped based on the choices the audience makes.
Inside each balloon is a piece of card with a word written on it. After each balloon is popped the person holding that balloon is asked to pick up their piece of card and try to guess at what the word is. Sadly, all of the guesses are incorrect but it creates some moments of amusement.
The final balloon is popped and the message inside is read aloud by the person who was holding it. The message correctly predicts the final colour balloon that was popped and, as a kicker, informs everyone that the words that were in the balloons were actually a description of the person who was holding the final balloon.

“This is a powerful, commercial and hard hitting routine with a great ending that nobody will see coming!”
Luca Volpe

“It’s a lovely piece. Simple and straightforward, yet effective. Nice and colourful too. This doesn’t have to be performed on stage either; you can use this in private house party situations or small venue shows.”
This entire fifteen minute stage piece packs so flat that you can actually fit it inside a pocket. That isn’t hype, you can literally put it in a pocket. Making this perfect for the working performer who wants to save space, or the those wanting to make room for another larger effect that doesn’t pack flat.
Don’t be fooled by the small nature of ‘Inflated Ego’ it plays huge. Six people on stage, lots of colour with the balloons, lots of tension with the popping and a whole lot more.
Is it time to add even more entertaining fun to your mentalism show?

“An outstanding piece de resistance I love it.”
Brett Barry

“Inflated Ego is VERY clever, the final reveal is legitimately genius, you send them so far the wrong way.”
Phill Smith