The Relentless Human-Machine Challenge.
A duel with an incredible outcome where the magician stages, through a simple deck of cards, a real challenge between human and artificial intelligence, in a setting inspired by the famous sci-fi saga "The Matrix".
- The effect is self-working and practically impromptu.
- No special memory efforts are required for the illusionist.
- No need to follow complicated rules or apply special techniques.
- Easy to perform, but with absolutely incredible results.
- It will amaze anyone who should witness the execution, including yourself.
A truly incredible effect of automatic card magic that is bound to amaze to the point of disbelief anyone who witnesses it, starting with the very performer himself, because of the inevitable success of the human mind over the machine with which this experiment will always end. The magician will have simply drawn from an ordinary deck of 52 poker cards, 12 court cards, thus leaving within it the remaining 40 spot cards. He will hand it over to be shuffled to a first viewer, called upon to play the role of a skilled hacker who must defeat the artificial intelligence of a second viewer, in the role of the machine. The latter will choose, holding face down the shuffled deck, five different cards that will represent the key to his "Machine Code." Their values will be secretly sneaked onto a sheet of paper.
From this moment on, the two will take turns in a constant challenge, led by the illusionist in the guise of the "oracle" (the only one who knows the "rules of the game" thoroughly), in which the hacker will try to discover the machine's code, breaking it down and distributing its various strings in a special 4x4 "matrix," while the spectator in the guise of the machine will try to lead him to chaos, by means of continuous reversals that he deems fit to prevent the key from being revealed within the code. Any references to the "matrix" movie will be evident both from the code strings that continuously 'drop vertically on the scene,' and from the generation and decomposition of the famous "matrix".
Despite all the efforts expended by the spectator in the guise of the machine, at the end of the challenge the entire code will be completely unraveled through the choices of the human hacker and the secret "key" will turn out to be able to be isolated from all the remaining cards, being the only one to find itself turned on its back. The 5 component digits of the "key" chosen by the second spectator will be revealed for the first time, and as the cards are turned over one by one, amazingly all of them exactly match the values announced!
1st edition 2025, PDF 18 pages.
word count: 3380 which is equivalent to 13 standard pages of text