An amazing ACAAN effect that magically makes use of artificial intelligence to create a miracle in card magic.
A.I. ACAAN Deck is a highly original new "Any Card At Any Number" card magic effect themed, in which the magician will make use of a deck of cards that will announce it was designed by today's finest artificial intelligence, together with the most arcane magic.
After quickly showing and shuffling, he will ask a (female) spectator to roll one or two imaginary "invisible dice" and, based on the score she declares to see, to choose also the suit of a card of corresponding value, which will be the base from which all will start.
Having drawn such a card, since it is unique in the deck, he will say he wants to count from the top a number of cards equal to the same value, to find a second card whose suit, combined with the previous value, identifies a new card, chosen only by fate.
However, the value of the latter will also prove decisive for further counting down to a third card, which will instead indicate a number.
The illusionist will then hand the spectator the remainder of the "A.I.-generated deck," asking her to count the cards, from the top to the indicated number, and magically the chosen card will be found, at that very spot!
1st edition 2025, PDF 8 pages.
word count: 2644 which is equivalent to 10 standard pages of text