This is a convincing looking, in-the-hands flourish where all the cards appear to be interweaved and fairly shuffled without ever changing their order. Although it looks real, it is completely fake.
►Faro Flourish: While still in his teens Meir came up with a unique way of doing a Faro Shuffle. The use of a different grip allowed him to have a two-step audible flourish that was used as convincer for the fairness of the shuffle.
►Fake Faro Flourish: Once the Faro Flourish was mastered an almost identical version was created that looked and sounded the same but kept the order of the entire deck the same.
In addition to the Fake Faro Flourish and the Faro Flourish you will also learn Meir’s method of doing a Faro Shuffle, a silent version, and two easier shuffles called Fake Faro Flourish With A Cut, and Fake Faro Flourish With A Tabled Cut. The basic handling was originally published in Meir Yedid’s book Magical Wishes in 1994.
Produced by Meir Yedid Magic in 2025 (privately released in 2017). Running time: Approximately ten minutes.