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Here is an entirely new idea in mentalism. Several spectators think of various objects. The performer psycho analyses them and divines the objects being thought of.
Positively No Force
Any Object Thought Of
No Chance Of Failure
Performer Is Right Every Time
No Skill Required - Just The Ability To Talk
Complete With Introductory Lecture and Full Routine That Will Hold The Audience Spellbound
George Armstrong's introduction:
A short while ago, through the introduction of my good friend Monty Wynne (of the Montagues, the two well-known mentalists of Bournemouth), I began corresponding with CHANDU, a young professional Mentalist in Holland. Very soon after he visited this country, and I had the good fortune to spend an evening with him in my den. I say good fortune, because when I showed him my collection of Prediction Chests he gave me drawings of a Chest that is years ahead of all the others. It is infallible, indetectable and foolproof. In addition, among other original routines, he mentioned "Psychoanalysis." The title intrigued me, and a detailed description of the act (for he makes a complete act of it) showed that, without doubt, it is one of the few, if not the only original, mental effect to make its appearance for years.
We have been predicting, mind-reading, and working effects by telepathy. There have been spirit effects, psychic tests, and thousands of different variations of these few basic effects, but never have we Psycho Analysed our audience. So here it was, a new effect, and through the kindness of its originator I have been able to get it into shape suitable for presentation to an English speaking audience.
Study these instructions carefully, work on the idea behind the "Analysis," and you will have an original and outstanding addition to your repertoire.
Here is an entirely new idea in mentalism. Several spectators think of various objects. The performer psycho analyses them and divines the objects being thought of.
Positively No Force
Any Object Thought Of
No Chance Of Failure
Performer Is Right Every Time
No Skill Required - Just The Ability To Talk
Complete With Introductory Lecture and Full Routine That Will Hold The Audience Spellbound
George Armstrong's introduction:
A short while ago, through the introduction of my good friend Monty Wynne (of the Montagues, the two well-known mentalists of Bournemouth), I began corresponding with CHANDU, a young professional Mentalist in Holland. Very soon after he visited this country, and I had the good fortune to spend an evening with him in my den. I say good fortune, because when I showed him my collection of Prediction Chests he gave me drawings of a Chest that is years ahead of all the others. It is infallible, indetectable and foolproof. In addition, among other original routines, he mentioned "Psychoanalysis." The title intrigued me, and a detailed description of the act (for he makes a complete act of it) showed that, without doubt, it is one of the few, if not the only original, mental effect to make its appearance for years.
We have been predicting, mind-reading, and working effects by telepathy. There have been spirit effects, psychic tests, and thousands of different variations of these few basic effects, but never have we Psycho Analysed our audience. So here it was, a new effect, and through the kindness of its originator I have been able to get it into shape suitable for presentation to an English speaking audience.
Study these instructions carefully, work on the idea behind the "Analysis," and you will have an original and outstanding addition to your repertoire.