Sharpie ink melts into liquid form before visually morphing into an impossible reveal of a selected card.
"Da Vinci said that 'Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.' By this mantra, Flux is the most sophisticated effect I've ever handled. A breath taking visual, an elegant and highly original concept that creates a stunning magical moment. A piece of simple perfection."
Luke Jermay
"Flux is incredibly visual yet simple in method. I love it. I didn't see it coming. It has my highest recommendation."
"Flux was the best trick I saw at Blackpool!"
Mark Elsdon
After years of being out of production, the beloved "Flux" by Roddy McGhie has finally returned. Not only that, but the new 2.0 version also comes with two different reveals (one of the biggest requests from magicians).
"Flux 2.0" is one of the most visual and amazing moments you'll ever see in close-up card magic. It gets killer reactions.
A card is selected and lost in the deck. You then invite someone else to try to find it. Unfortunately, they fail.
Have no fear though, you have a backup plan—a psychic phenomenon known as "automatic writing". The participant is given a sharpie and invited to stab randomly at the back of the wrong card. Once they're done, you all take a look at this "psychic auto art". But it seems like it's just a random series of dots and dashes.
Here's where the real fun begins though...
With a wave of your hand, the random markings slowly and visual morph into legible text—spelling out their selected card! They won't believe their eyes.
The best part is you can immediately hand out the card. Since affordable refills are available, you can (and should) even let them keep it as a one-of-a-kind souvenir.
"Flux is a completely fooling and practical illusion. A true worker!"
Cameron Francis
"Flux is a stunningly visual revelation. TV magic for the real world!"
James Went
Craig Petty, Magic TV
Everyone loved the original and now you'll get to fall in love again with "Flux 2.0".